This is an add-on for the Ace Message System. For those who would like to write out the stats of an actor using codes, insert any of the following codes below to write out their values.
# Code: Effect:
# \level[x] - Writes the level value of actor x. *Note
# \maxhp[x] - Writes the MaxHP value of actor x. *Note
# \maxmp[x] - Writes the MaxMP value of actor x. *Note
# \atk[x] - Writes the ATK value of actor x. *Note
# \def[x] - Writes the DEF value of actor x. *Note
# \mat[x] - Writes the MAT value of actor x. *Note
# \mdf[x] - Writes the MDF value of actor x. *Note
# \agi[x] - Writes the AGI value of actor x. *Note
# \luk[x] - Writes the LUK value of actor x. *Note
# \hit[x] - Writes the HIT value of actor x. *Note
# \eva[x] - Writes the EVA value of actor x. *Note
# \cri[x] - Writes the CRI value of actor x. *Note
# \cev[x] - Writes the CEV value of actor x. *Note
# \mev[x] - Writes the MEV value of actor x. *Note
# \mrf[x] - Writes the MRG value of actor x. *Note
# \cnt[x] - Writes the CNT value of actor x. *Note
# \hrg[x] - Writes the HRG value of actor x. *Note
# \mrg[x] - Writes the MRG value of actor x. *Note
# \trg[x] - Writes the TRG value of actor x. *Note
# \tgr[x] - Writes the TGR value of actor x. *Note
# \grd[x] - Writes the GRD value of actor x. *Note
# \rec[x] - Writes the REC value of actor x. *Note
# \pha[x] - Writes the PHA value of actor x. *Note
# \mcr[x] - Writes the MCR value of actor x. *Note
# \tcr[x] - Writes the TCR value of actor x. *Note
# \pdr[x] - Writes the PDR value of actor x. *Note
# \mdr[x] - Writes the MDR value of actor x. *Note
# \fdr[x] - Writes the FDR value of actor x. *Note
# \exr[x] - Writes the EXR value of actor x. *Note
# *Note: If x is 0 or negative, it will show the respective
# party member's face instead.
# 0 - Party Leader
# -1 - 1st non-leader member.
# -2 - 2nd non-leader member. So on.
— And that’s all, folks! —
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